Photo Library/Book Addendum

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Hand-held Calculator Photograph Library

This page has links to photographs of vintage calculators on this website.
Click on a calculator to see a larger photograph of it, then click on your browser "Back" button to return to this page.
Calculators marked "Details" are not in the book "A Collector's Guide to Pocket Calculators", but details are in the section Calculator Book Addendum on this site.



Mach II.

Magiclick (Made and distributed in Spain by eye S.A.)

Magiclick 350

Magiclick 350. Details.


Manica 8

Manica 8


Mancal 732

Mancal 732

Mannics (Mannics Industries Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan)

Mannics 303

Mannics 303.

Mannics 818

Mannics 818

Mannics MK-806

Mannics MK-806. Details.

Marchant - See Smith-Corona-Marchant.

Master Calculator Co.

Master Mini Master

Master Mini Master

MATAC (We have no information about this company - If you have please get in touch.)


MATAC, inside, Japan, c1973. Details.

Math Master (Epoch Co., Ltd.)

Math Master

Math Master, a math teaching/game "calculator". Details.


Mathbook 817L

Mathbook 817L.

Mathmatic (American Circuitron Inc., Hamden, Conecticut,  U.S.A.)

Mathmatic 808

Mathmatic 808

Mathmatic 888

Mathmatic 888. Details.

Mathmatic S-666

Mathmatic S-666


Mayfair 2W01B

Mayfair 2W01B.


Mayhugh 8M

Mayhugh 8M. Details.

MBO (European-market company)

MBO 570 “Handy”

MBO 570 "Handy".


MBO 838MD.

MBO 3010

MBO 3010

MBO 3050

MBO 3050. Details.

MBO Alpha 2

MBO Alpha 2

MBO alpha 1000-1

MBO alpha 1000-1. Details.

MBO Classic III

MBO Classic III. Details.

MBO Conti

MBO Conti

MBO de Luxe I

MBO de Luxe I. Details.

MBO de Luxe III

MBO de Luxe III. Details.

MBO de Luxe IV

MBO de Luxe IV


MBO DELTA 40. Details.

MBO Manager

MBO Manager and Atlas R2000

MD1 and MD2 (found in Europe)

MD1 888p

MD1 888p. Details.

MD2 888m

MD2 888m, inside. Details.

MEC (Metropolitan International Enterprises Co. Ltd.)


MEC. Details .

Megatone (Japan)

Megatone 60

Megatone 60, with battery holder removed. Details.


Meir 880

Meir 880. Featured calculator .


Melcor 370

Melcor 370, inside, has membrane keypad. Details.

Melcor 380

Melcor 380, type 1, inside.

Melcor 380, type 2

Melcor 380, type 2, has membrane keypad. Details.

Melcor 400

Melcor 400.

Melcor 590

Melcor 590.

Melcor SC-635

Melcor SC-635.

Melcor SC-655

Melcor SC-655.

Memory Devices (British company)

Memory Devices MEMORY 808MD

Memory Devices MEMORY 808MD. Featured on British calculator site.

Memory Devices ESR-817

Memory Devices MEMORY ESR-817. Featured on British calculator site.

Memory Master

Memory Master

Memory Master. Details.

Memory Master II

Memory Master II. Details.

Memory Master M

Memory Master M. Details.

Memory Master X

Memory Master X. Details.


Methodo 807MD

Methodo 807MD. Details.

Microcifra (Manufactured by fate Electronica, an Argentinian company)

Microcifra 3

Microcifra 3, rear. Details.


Microlith 112

Microlith 112

Microlith 205 Scientific

Microlith 205 "Scientific".


Miida 8

Miida 8.

Miida 606

Miida 606.

Miida MC918

Miida MC918.

Minerva (Minerva International, Franklin, Tennessee, U.S.A.)

Minerva 825

Minerva 825.


Minicom Executive 8

Minicom Executive 8. Details.


Minipet V-1

Minipet V-1, inside. Details.

Minitron (Yugoslavian company)

Minitron 811

Minitron 811, similar to ANITA 811, made in Yugoslavia. Details.

Minitron 811B

Minitron 811B, similar to ANITA 811 but with green VFD, made in Yugoslavia. Details.

Minitron 831B

Minitron 831B, similar to ANITA 831 but with green VFD, made in Yugoslavia. Details.

Mintron 841 red LED

Minitron 841, red LED, similar to Anita 841, made in Yugoslavia. Details.

Minitron 841 green VFD

Minitron 841, green VFD, otherwise similar to Anita 841, made in Yugoslavia. Details.

Minolta (Japanese camera company)

Minolta Minolcom

Minolta Minolcom, inside. Details.

Mintron (Minsung Electronics Ltd., Seoul, Korea)

Mintron 802DG

Mintron 802DG. Details.

Mintron 810ND

Mintron 810ND, inside. Details.

Miracal (P D Labs, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A.)


Miracal. This calculator features in the "One Hit Wonders" article.

MITS (Micro Instruments & Telemetry Systems, U.S.A.)

MITS 150

MITS 150. Featured calculator .


MITS 908M. Featured calculator .


MITS 941M "Metric Converter". Featured calculator.

MITS 1206

MITS 1206.

MITS 1212

MITS 1212. Featured calculator .

M-OFFICE (A trade name of the Migros supermarket and department store company of Switzerland.)


M-OFFICE 18S. Details.


M-OFFICE 28SR. Details.


M-OFFICE 60SR. Details.

Monarch (No details available. If you have any information about this company please get in touch)

Monarch 800C

Monarch 800C. Details.

Monroe (was a Litton Industries company)

Monroe 10

Monroe 10. Featured calculator.

Monroe 20

Monroe 20.

Monroe 30

Litton Monroe 30

Monroe 40

Litton Monroe 40

Monroe 98

Monroe 98

Monroe 324 Scientist

Monroe 324 Scientist

Monte Carlo (Manufactured in Hong Kong, possibly by (or distributed by) Collins Industrial Co., Ltd.)

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo, rear & battery, tiny calculator, battery pack plugs straight into AC supply. Featured calculator.




Montgomery Ward (U.S. company)

Montgomery Ward P8F

Montgomery Ward P8F.

Montgomery Ward P50

Montgomery Ward P50.

Montgomery Ward P100

Montgomery Ward P100.

Montogomery Ward P200

Montogomery Ward P200.

Montgomery Ward P202

Montgomery Ward P202.

Montgomery Ward P800

Montgomery Ward P800.


Morse 8

Morse 8.

Mustang (No details available. If you have any information about this company please get in touch)

Mustang 3000

Mustang 3000. Featured calculator .

Vintage Calculators

Text & photographs copyright, except where stated otherwise, © Nigel Tout 2000-2025.