Calculator Resources

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Links to other Calculator Sites

Links to other calculator related sites on the Web

If you have other calculator, calculating device, early electronics, or history-of-computer related links you think should be here, please contact us.  We also invite readers whose personal web pages have calculators or calculator themes to be added. Just drop us a line with the site address.

If you have a site listed and you feel I should modify the listing or address, please let me know.  (Please write up a one line description of your site for me to include.)  I will be happy to modify this list.

Please note that site addresses can change.  If a link does not work try searching for the site with a search engine, such as Google., or see if the website has been archived on the Wayback Machine.

To translate a site into another language try running it through the Google automatic translator at  Although not perfect it does allow much of the information on that site to be understood.

For those fluent in German several articles in this site have been translated, as listed below.


In no particular order, here are some great calculator websites !

















































































Vintage Calculators

Text & photographs copyright, except where stated otherwise, © Nigel Tout 2000-2024.