Sterling Currency Calculators
Brunsviga Adsum 94T
Brunsviga Adsum 94T
For addition, subtraction, and using special techniques multiplication and division.
To add, the number is entered on the keyboard and the lever is pushed down, which releases the keys. To subtract the '-' button must be pressed before pushing the lever. The 'R' (Repeat) button is pressed for multiplication.
It has five £ decades, a full column of nine tens of shillings keys, shillings, & pence. The maximum total that can be displayed is £999,999 19s 11d.
The total shown on the photograph above is £12,345 17s 6d
225 mm wide, 270 mm long, 140 mm high (8.9" x 10.6" x 5.5").
Introduced in 1956[1] when the cost was £33 GBP [about US$90].
Made in Germany.
Advertisement for the Adsum from 1956.
Sterling Calculators
Vintage Calculators
Text & photographs copyright, except where stated otherwise, © Nigel Tout 2000-2025.