The First ANITA Electronic Desk Calculators using LSI Integrated Circuits
This page lists examples of the first ANITA electronic calculators using LSI (Large Scale Integration) integrated circuits. These are very distinctively styled desktop calculators using 'Nixie'-type numerical display
tubes. Known models:
- ANITA 1000 LSI - 1971, 4-function, RPN (Reverse-Polish N
otation), 10-digits, "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1000B LSI - AC & batteries, 4-function, RPN, 10-digits, "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1011 LSI - 1971, 4-function, %, memory, RPN, 10-digits, "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1011B LSI - 1971, AC & batteries, 4-function, %, memory, RPN, 10-digits, "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1021 LSI - 4-function, square root, memory, RPN, 10-digits, "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1211 LSI (also known as the 1211D) - 4-function, %, 12-digit "Panaplex" display.
- ANITA 1212D - 1972, 4-function, two memories, 12-digits "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1233D - 1972, 4-function, square root, 3 memories memory, 12-digits "Nixie" tubes display.
- ANITA 1211P - 1972, 4-function, 12-digits printer.
- ANITA 1212P - 1972, 4-function, 2 memories, 12-digits printer.
- ANITA 1233P - 1972, 4-function, square root, 3 memories, 12-digits printer.
- ANITA Business Computer ABC 3010, ABC 5010, ABC 5210 - 1971, programme controlled invoicing and accounting machines, with electric typewriter.
Note that some of the later models with displays may be referred to with or without a "D" designation, to distinguish them from printer models with a "P" designation. For example the 1211 LSI was also referred to
as the 1211D.
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The Bell Punch Company & the Development of the Anita Calculator
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