Rockwell-ANITA Desktop & Hand-held Calculators
Most of the calculators listed here carry the Rockwell logo on the front and were produced after the takeover of Sumlock-Anita Electronics by Rockwell International in 1973. Some were manufactured at the Sumlock-Anita factory in Portsmouth and examples of them can be found with the legend "Made in Great Britain". Almost all of these machines use Rockwell integrated circuits.
A company internal memo of October 1974[1] lists the Rockwell calculator models that the company will be dealing with after the takeover and says "For the first few months we will import machines from the U.S.A. but active steps are now being taken to ensure that production of this new calculator range will commence at Portsmouth early next year".
Known Rockwell-Anita desktop calculators:
Known Rockwell-Anita hand-held calculators:
Rockwell hand-held calculators where examples are known labelled "Made in Great Britain"; that is at the Portsmouth factory of the former Sumlock-Anita Electronics:
Note that examples of these Rockwell-labelled models can also found labelled "Assembled in Mexico. U.S. and foreign parts", and "Made in Hong Kong".
Known hand-held calculators labelled for the House of Fraser British department chain store and "Made in Great Britain", manufactured by Rockwell at the Portsmouth factory of the former Sumlock-Anita Electronics:
Click on a picture for more details and more, bigger, pictures.
Rockwell Anita 1211 (2 versions)
& Fi-Cord Anita 1211
The Bell Punch Company & the Development of the Anita Calculator
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Text & photographs copyright © 2002 - 2023 Nigel Tout, except where noted otherwise.