Information Required
Can You Help?
There are some details of Bell Punch Sumlock, Plus Adder, Sumlock-Comptometer and ANITA machines that are not known to us. Do you have this information to pass on for
publication on this site?
During more than twenty years of collecting information about the machines featured on this website there are some details that have proved very elusive. If you can help with this information then please get in touch.
Information required:
- Meanings of letters in the mechanical calculator serial numbers
The meanings of some of the letters in the mechanical calculator serial numbers have
proved elusive, especially with Sumlock machines. Many of these letters are listed on the Introduction page to the mechanical calculators, but the meanings of some seen on models which have appeared on internet auction sites are not known, for example:
909/CK - the 'C' indicates decimal Currency, but what does the 'K' indicate?
912/C/VI - the 'V' appears to indicate an electrically driven machine (Volts?), but what does the 'I' indicate?
912/MD3 - the 'D' indicates Decimal, but what is the significance of the sequence 'MD3'?
912/S/4AH - the 'S' indicates Sterling currency, but what is the significance of the '4AH'?
There are quite a few more. Was a comprehensive list produced? If you can help then please get in touch.
The Bell Punch Company & the Development of the Anita Calculator
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Text & photographs copyright © 2002 - 2023 Nigel Tout, except where noted otherwise.