Models derived from ANITA Electronic Calculators
These are the known electronic calculators derived from ANITA models. They were either made by Sumlock Anita (the Triumph-Adler models), made in Yugoslavia (now Serbia) by Elektronska industrija-Niš, or made by others.
Hand-held models made by Sumlock Anita for Triumph-Adler and sold under both the 'Triumph' and 'Adler' labels.
These models were manufactured by Sumlock Anita and were labeled for sale by Triumph-Adler.
Hand-held models made in Yugoslavia by Elektronska industrija-Niš
As mentioned by John Sparkes on the page The Demise of Anita & Bell Punch, around 1976 Rockwell decided to exit the calculator market and "an electronics company was founded in Niš, Yugoslavia, which was interested in buying both the design and the production facilities of our hand-held calculators".
Click here to view "Calculators & Computers", a sales brochure in pdf format of the Yugoslavian company Elektronska Industija, which obtained the design and the production facilities of ANITA calculators around 1976. Calculators start at p14.
Some of these calculators are enhanced versions of the original ANITA models, and some have a green VFD display replacing the original red LED display.
Known hand-held calculators manufactured in Yugoslavia by Elektronska industija-Niš include the M.P. ALAS model and Minitron Models here, and the ANITA models sold by Fi-Cord International, below.
Desktop models made in Yugoslavia by Elektronska industrija-Niš
The sales brochure "Calculators & Computers" (here in pdf format) of the Yugoslavian company Elektronska Industija, which obtained the design and the production facilities of ANITA calculators around 1976, shows desktop calculators based on the later Rockwell-ANITA models. The desktop calculators start at p20.
Hand-held models made in Yugoslavia for FI-CORD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Didsbury, Manchester, England.
Hand-held calculators manufactured in Yugoslavia by Elektronska industija-Niš for distribution by FI-CORD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Didsbury, Manchester, England, apparently after the end of British manufacture of calculators by Sumlock Anita.
Click on a picture below for more details and more, bigger, pictures.
Models made by Sumlock Anita for Triumph-Adler and sold under both the 'Triumph' and 'Adler' labels.
Models made in Yugoslavia by Elektronska industrija-Niš for FI-CORD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED.
The Bell Punch Company & the Development of the Anita Calculator
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